Funny indian memes in hindi
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Memes images
She holds you like this , it means she's
So comfortable with you
Interviewer :- do you have any special skill ?
Me:- look, a turtle!
Time change everything ☺️
Maintaining innocent face while imagining dirty thought is also a talent ๐
Dada I got suspended from school today
Dad :- what why ?
The teacher pointed a ruler at me and said there is an ldiot at the end of this ruler
So i asked which end
Dad :- You are totally my son
Guys who like playing with kids ๐
Itna india vs US dekh liya hai lag rha hai ghar gghar baithe Usa ghum aaya
Date a girl who aays thinks like :-
-Drive safe
-text me when you are home
-I can't wait to see you
-kisi aur ladki ko dekha toh teri
Ma ch#d dungi !
Kya aap bhi roz
Subah uthte hi
Phone chalata ho ?
Women vs men
Usa I:-m getting married
So let's breakup
India :- Mere jism toh uske pass hoga,
Magar rooh aapke sath hogi.
Hey bhagwan uthale....aur
Manali me chhod de
PTM :-
Usa :- definitely,he will perform better the next time.
India :- mobile mei laga rehta hai,humne toh tuition lagwa rakhi ha,bas paisa laga sakta hai, padhna toh isi ko hai, humne to kehna hi chordiya hai.
Key to happiness ๐
Us vs uk and india
about this website
Hello guys
This is website of memes fanda maked by talib zaidi. I maked this website for you. Here you can collect memes images viral memes images, and any types of meme images in free.
Thank you
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